Parasites in the human body: symptoms

Hello everyone, dear readers! Today the topic will be smooth and uncomfortable, but very relevant. I decided to dedicate it to parasites, which are the regular "inhabitants" of our organisms. Imagine a life of thunderstorms going on in your blood, intestines, under your skin right now. B-rr! People will shiver when they think.

But today science has proven that half of all inhabitants of the planet are worm carriers, of which there are about 200 species and "breeds". That is, theoretically, you also fall into the risk group. We donate tests, you see, not so often. We live for ourselves, go to work, go to cafes and watch movies, and seem to feel very well. . .

Please wait. Is it okay? And does chronic fatigue and a dry cough that won't go away for months not bothering you, diarrhea and constipation and other disruptions in your digestive tract? As well as that! But this is one of the signs that indicates the presence of worms. The parasite in the human body causes a wide range of symptoms. I also try to summarize them in today's publication.

Long, round, flat and others

What human parasites do you know? Worms? Rather, it is their generic name. But these varieties are a very large slippery mass. Let's split it up so we know who we are going to fight.

Worms under a microscope
  • Roundworms that live in the digestive system are the largest group. These include roundworm, sideworm, whipworm, pinworm, and others. Their pictures can be seen on the Internet "in stock". They come to us for notorious unwashed hands, as well as dirty raw fruits and vegetables, from undercooked meat and fish. If you keep a cat or a dog at home, your chances of getting infected with worms are much higher.
  • The second type is tapeworm: broad tapeworm, tapeworm, pig and cow tapeworm. These helminths are much larger than the previous ones. Some species of tapeworms can be more than 25 meters wide! Such worms can eat with the entire body, absorbing the substances they need inside you with their surface. They do not have a certain area of residence in the body, as they freely move around the body, crawling into the brain and bone marrow. You can become infected by eating undercooked meat or fish. That is why I never buy these products in spontaneous, "hands off" markets, as the sellers in these points of sale have clearly never heard of veterinary control.
  • Subcutaneous parasite (filamentous nematode, dirofilaria) lives under human skin. You can catch them in hot countries, such as in Africa or India, from flies, mosquitoes or bed bugs. They are usually easy to see: on your skin you will see a strange bulge that, if pressed, will slip away from your finger.
  • Leukemia: small liver fluke, a liver fluke and others. Their habitats are intestines, liver, and pancreas. The source is polluted water that has not been boiled, the fish is lightly salty, raw and poorly cooked.
  • Worms. They are located and parasitized in different tissues of our body, in muscle, brain, connective tissue. You can get infections from animals, both wild and indoors: pigs, cats, horses, ducks and chickens.
The parasite in the human body

Parasites in the human body: symptoms

Theoretically, each of the above types can perform invisible attacks from within at this time without you even knowing it. Many people live with worms inside and literally allow them to eat themselves for several years, until a random analysis or a doctor's physical exam uncovers their eggs in your analysis. These are pests that silently not only eat you, but also have time to multiply and secrete toxins.

I immediately wanted to get a demo, right? But first, check for indirect signs of their presence. Just don't panic right away and do not self-diagnose. Many of these symptoms overlap with other medical conditions.
So you could get a worm infection if:

  1. You are suddenly anemic. Has the amount of normal hemoglobin previously been significantly reduced? This may indicate that it is the worms that are stealing iron from you.
  2. You often feel sick for no reason and have strange stomach aches. A detailed ultrasound examination in infected patients revealed multiple cracks, sores, wounds on the intestinal mucosa and other organs. This can cause inflammation and pain.
  3. Now diarrhea, now constipation. Did you eat and drink as you normally would, and has the properties of your bowel movements changed significantly? Constipation can be caused by giant worms or small worms woven into balls. They, like a cork, close the litter door. Well, diarrhea is caused by micro-helminths, which destroy sodium and chloride, which are responsible for the normal consistency of the stool, dilute the stool.
  4. Disrupts bodies, bones, and joints. Worms can cause inflammation of the muscles around the joint and thus cause discomfort.
  5. Acne, eczema, warts and other skin problems, and deterioration of nails and hair are caused by parasitic toxins. Your liver is unable to process too many harmful substances that affect your skin and hair.
  6. Excessive weight gain or rapid weight gain. Worms take away a lot of our useful substances, we lose them - we lose a lot of weight, but they also eat sugar - and because of its lack of it, we now and then snack and get fat.
  7. Releases air and bloating
  8. Grind your teeth. They say that this is one of the most obvious signs, because in dreams our bodies are relaxing and sleeping, and worms are not sleeping so an unconscious reaction arises - grinding our teeth and calling them.
  9. Poor immunity. Its decline is due to the fact that the body has now thrown all its defenses against the parasite, and it simply loses the power for other viruses from outside to invade.
  10. Drowsiness, lethargy, apathy and irritability with normal diet and rest. Worms blatantly steal almost all the minerals and nutrients we need: potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium. Lack of them affects the nervous system and health.
  11. Itching. It usually flares up strongly at night, when the worms accumulate in the anus to lay eggs. Doctors said, it is not until evening that they can meet the deep "face to face", handshake their dirty business place.
  12. A confusing cough without a cold.

Well, have you found 4-5 symptoms? Honestly, me too. And this only means one thing - it's time to go to the hospital to see a therapist, an infectious disease specialist, an immunologist or a parasiticist. After a detailed examination, you will be prescribed the necessary medicines.

Parasites in the human body: expulsion

Prepare your whole family for treatment. The rest of your family is also likely to become infected, as the parasite spreads quickly through toiletries, household items and dishes.

Despite the fact that all anthelmintic drugs are sold over-the-counter in pharmacies and do not require a prescription, you don't have to make your own choices. Some of them function only on a certain type of worm and are completely useless in comparison to others. In addition, these drugs have many contraindications.

Preventing garlic parasites

Traditional treatment, used by grandparents without drugs and pharmacies are also popular.
Doctors currently recommend combining home treatment with a prescription, so we use only all of the herbs described below as a precaution.

  • Very good regeneration to add to a hot tub. After sitting in it for about half an hour, you should get rid of a handful of small worms. They simply cannot tolerate the pungent odor of this herb penetrating through your skin, but you will have to suffer a bit.
  • The common sorrel kills parasites with its acid. Therefore, feel free to chew on washed leaves in spring and summer.
  • Ordinary raw pumpkin seeds are seeds with an excellent ability to treat helminths.
  • Pumpkin seeds to eliminate parasites from the body
  • Drink mixed oak bark (200 ml - 2 tablespoons).
  • Tansy also has a good anti-parasitic effect. To prepare the broth, pour one tablespoon of its flower with a cup of boiling water and press in a sealed thermos for 4 hours. Take a healing mixture, which has been pre-filtered, 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day before meals.
  • Eat lots of garlic, onions, and horseradish. For worms, the pungent smell of death is similar, and you'll repair your weakened immunity.

Don't think that one fine day, all the parasites will leave your body in a friendly formation according to their free will. They will live inside and eat you for a very long time, so it is better to start chasing them out now, otherwise in a few years you will have gray skin, dirt, hair. brittle fracture, digestive problems and deficiency of all useful minerals. They will devour you, so don't let them do it!